Simfatic Forms 4 Beta 5 Update

The last release (Simfatic Forms 4 beta 5) had some problems with label/button display. Here is the release with the fix for those display problems. Thanks for all who reported this problem so quickly. Here is the new download link simfatic-forms-405beta5-2.exe

Simfatic Forms 4.0 Beta 4 Released.

Yet another release of Simfatic Forms 4 beta is available for download. The new version has a completely updated validation script and popup form feature. Please remember that the last release (Simfatic Forms 4.0.3 beta) will expire on April 30th. You can uninstall the earlier beta version and install the new beta version.

Correcting error: date() It is not safe to rely on …

On some web servers, it throws this error when you upload Simfatic Forms script (or any other PHP script that uses PHP’s date() function) Error (2): date(): It is not safe to rely on the system’s timezone settings.. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any […]