Simfatic Forms 4.0 Beta 5 Released
Here is another release of Simfatic Forms 4.0 beta. (Beta 5). The last release, Beta 4, expires on June 30th.
You can download this new release and install it. Beta 5 expires on August 31.
This new release has a brand new Look & Feel page:
‘Must be unique’ validation for text fields:
More alignment buttons and an updated ‘Draw the form’ page:
Most of the reported issues are fixed now.
Here is a brief list of updates :
- New Look & Feel Page
- The background image/color of the form can be edited in the Look & Feel Page
- Fixed errors with the new validation script
- The error message style can also be edited in the Look & Feel Page
- Better re-install (uploads only the changed files)
- ‘Must be unique’ validation added for text fields
- More Align options added
- submit buttons show a ‘loading…’ animation on pressed
- New elements: Box, Vertical/horizontal lines
Almost all of these awesome new features are a result of your persistent feedback. Please do continue posting your comments.