Simfatic Forms 3.1 released!

Simfatic Forms 3.1 is finally out of beta.

There are a number of enhancements available in this new update.

Here is the summary:

1. You can change the DocType of generated code in Options & Settings

2. The generated code passes HTML/XHTML(strict) validations at

3. More standardization: ‘label’ tag and ‘for’ attribute

4. CSS positioning in separate CSS file rather than inline style

5. The position and size of the elements could be adjusted precisely.
There are edit boxes in the ‘Draw the form’ page to adjust the size and position of the elements.
The form size also could be adjusted.

6. Print button in ‘confirm’ page. The buttons in ‘Confirm’ page can be adjusted individually.

7. CAPTCHA can have i18n (non-English) characters & CAPTCHA case insensitive option

8. New ‘automatic’ variables: User Agent, Referrer Page, O.S, Browser ,Form submission date

9. HTTP authentication is supported.

10. Better Form templates. Form templates can now be shared

11. ‘Extension Modules’ for extending the default functionality

12. Many other fixes and improvements

Thank you very much for all the beta participants for reporting the issues you found and for the wonderful suggestions. You will soon get the email containing the free license.

Here is the best part: the upgrade is free for all Simfatic Forms 3.0 customers!
The existing license keys will work fine with the new version.

Go here to download Simfatic Forms 3.1

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