New Release: Simfatic Forms 3.1 Beta 2

A new version of Simfatic Forms 3.1 Beta is available for download. This release contains several fixes and enhancements over beta 1.

Simfatic Forms 3.1 beta Extension Module Page

Before going into the details of the release, let me thank you for the overwhelming feedback 🙂 Those comments really shape Simfatic Forms.

I have to admit that only those suggestions that can be included in the scope of this intermediate version got into this release. But, rest assured, the remaining will be taken up in version 4.0.

Simfatic Forms 3.1 will be taken out of beta very soon so that the complete effort is concentrated on Version 4.0 of Simfatic Forms.

Here are the major changes in this new release:

  1. adds comment header on the top of the generated PHP page
  2. Proper label for group elements (radio/checkbox)
  3. CAPTCHA case insensitive option
  4. Fixed a problem with email encoding (observed on some servers)
  5. Many other minor fixes and improvements

Here is the link to the download
Simfatic Forms 3.1 Beta

Keep posting your feedback!